Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What a success!

Dear Reader,

Last weekend Demel Fine Art and The Shop Downtown proudly hosted the first ever Young Artists' Exhibition in Schulenburg, TX. The turnout of visitors ran between 40 to 50 people in the 2 hour span.  That is a pretty good number for Schulenburg, TX, a town with a population of about 2,800.

As the owner of the newly founded Demel Fine Art business, I am ecstatic with the outcome of the show.  A thank you goes out to the artists for creating such lovely paintings, and also to parents, family, and friends for their support. Another piece of gratitude goes to the other wonderful individuals and businesses who helped us along to a great success. Some names that need to be mentioned for individual thanks are as follows:
All the visitors seemed delighted with the show. The look was cohesive, and the kids had fun pinpointing their original artwork out to friends and family in the mass of a salon-style display. All artwork originated from the Watercolor I course, provided by Demel Fine Art.
Dear Readers,

Christine Galipp

Michelle Dunsworth

Mathew Demel

The Shop Downtown

The Schulenburg Chamber of Commerce

The Schulenburg Sticker

If it weren't for these businesses and individuals, it is unlikely that we would have had such a great turnout.

Thanks again!

Caitlin E. Demel
Owner/Artist, Demel Fine Art

Now you can find us on Facebook!

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