Thursday, November 17, 2011

Demel Fine Art Newsletter for 12.13.2011

Greetings! Thanksgiving tides to ye all!  This excerpt will be short and sweet: here are the most recent activity with Demel Fine Art and friends in the past two weeks!

1. Drumroll please: Demel Fine Art is finally creating a bonafide website!  Expect it to be up and running within a week or two. You will then be able to see a gallery of artwork created by Demel Fine Art and students alike, be updated with the most current exhibitions, see a listing of classes for 2012 (adults and youth), and much, much more!

2. Private art lessons have been going swell with two of our very talented locals.  One is practicing anatomy of the hands and feet to build up her skills (she is already an ace at the rest of the human anatomy!), and the other young artist has been having a good ol' time with watercolors! Pictures will be posted on the blog soon.

3. Demel Fine Art has had the wonderful opportunity to showcase a few pieces by Caitlin E. Demel in the front store window next to the Downtown Schulenburg Historical Museum at 631 N. Main St. in Schulenburg, TX 78956.  Take a gander over to check it out.  Each piece tells a story about some of our unique situations in our very contemporary world.  Because the stories tied to each painting are not printed out to read, as you are standing there looking, ask yourself: "What does this mean?  Why these images?  Why this color?" And keep on asking! Also, do not forget to view the beautiful watercolor paintings in the next door window by Dale Schmidt. She is also a local artist pretty darn talented!

4. Last, but not least, I have had the sweet opportunity to finally start up painting and creating artwork full-time, so hopefully you will all have new refreshing paintings to look at in March at the Schulenburg Art Music and Wine Walk.  Whoopee!

Thank you for humoring the newsletter, and have a great Thanksgiving with your friends and loved ones! I know I will!


Caitlin E. Demel
Demel Fine Art

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Artist Quote of the Week: 11.15.2011

"Whoever wants to know
something about me -
as an artist which alone is significant -
they should look attentively
at my pictures and there seek
to recognise what I am
and what I want."
                  ~Gustav Klimt